ISSCA Opening of Uccle, Belgium Center with GCell & Stem Cell Training
After several months of organizing and developing a location, the Global Stem Cells Group has finalized the construction of a laboratory and regenerative medicine research center in Uccle, Belgium.
This facility serves both as a regenerative medicine treatment and research center, but also as a plastic surgery clinic. In addition to this, one of the primary goals of the Center is to serve as a place for the fostering of knowledge and experience regarding the different products and equipment required for the application of cellular therapies. As part of the inaugural ceremony a group of physicians were trained in the setup and use of the various regenerative medicine protocols and application process of these cells into the patients.
This center is a push into Europe for the Global Stem Cells Group. As the science advances, newer and more advanced therapies and technologies are being developed and released into the market with each passing month.
With the European Union being one of the largest consumer markets in the world, the finalization of a brick-and-mortar location in Brussels, Belgium is one that will mean great things for the Global Stem Cells Group, and the presence and proliferation of regenerative medicine throughout Europe and the world.
“This was a wonderful opportunity that we could have. It goes to show that even during this pandemic, the medical community is one that is still going strong. We’re still rallying together to look for new breakthroughs, and come up with the most beneficial treatment options for patients,” Said Benito Novas, founder of the International Society for Stem Cell Applications, “In addition to this, it also provides an excellent platform for the distribution of regenerative medicine therapies and equipment, including the revolutionary new GCell Machine,”
Indeed, the inaugural training at the Stem Cell Center in Uccle, Belgium was one that covered both of the more traditional methods of stem cell isolation and application– adipose and bone-marrow derived autologous cells, but this training was also one of the first in which the company had the ability to demonstrate the novel GCell Machine. Using a precise system of blades and filters, it is able to process a stem cell sample from adipose tissue in less than half of the time that it would take a physician to do so through traditional means.
This allows the patient to be more comfortable throughout the shorter procedure, as less anesthesia is also required than when operating under traditional means. The GCell is a minimally invasive, portable machine that allows physicians to fully unlock the potential of regenerative medicine as a component in their practice. Using their global network of distributors and licensed vendors, Global Stem Cells Group is working fervently to ensure no interruption in the global availability of the most cutting-edge regenerative medicine products.
- Published in Press Releases
Global Stem Cells Group Announces Training in Brussels, Belgium for April 9/10th
The Global Stem Cells Group, a multi-disciplinary community of scientists and physicians that are collaborating to treat diseases and lessen human suffering through the advancement of the field of regenerative medicine has announced plans for a training in Brussels, Belgium on April 9/10th. This course is a long-awaited return to the country of Belgium after months of inactivity in the region brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time, research proceeded, and shocking discoveries were made that further thrust regenerative medicine into the world’s stage, and as a result the curriculum has been reinforced with the latest in IV therapy and exosome protocols.
This training will be one of the first of 2021, reaffirming the Global Stem Cells Group’s presence in Europe as a key player in the field of regenerative medicine. Members from both Global Stem Cells Group & the International Society for Stem Cell Application’s Brussels Chapter will be there to assist in expanding research for and the practice of regenerative medicine across Europe.
“It’s good to know that the Global pandemic has not been able to stop the progress of business,” Says Benito Novas, founder and CEO of the Global Stem Cells Group, “With reopening happening slowly, but surely, we hope that more and more physicians and clinics will take up the benefits of regenerative medicine.As we continue to train patients with the GCell Machine, ”
This training is intended to teach physicians the value and process behind incorporating regenerative medicine into their own clinical practice. This includes a theoretical portion that goes over basic regenerative medicine biology and its application, but also includes a Hands-On portion in which doctors, in a controlled environment and guided by a team of medical professionals, will have the opportunity to see procedures be performed just a few feet away, and then get the opportunity to try it for themselves.
The Belgium Stem Cell Center is one that is outfitted with the latest technology in regenerative medicine processing, which ensures any students that pass through it receive an education in extraction, isolation, and application of Platelet-Rich Plasma, Adipose, and Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
This training will also teach physicians how to utilize the GCell Machine to perform regenerative medicine therapies. GCell is a tissue homogenization device that is revolutionizing the future of regenerative medicine. It is an extremely compact, all-in-one unit that can homogenize and isolate the stem cells from an adipose sample. GCell’s process of homogenizing with a system of precise blades and filtering ensures that the sample can be processed within an hour, with little input from the physician when the machine begins to do its work.
Once the process is over, the end result is a final product that can be administered to patients within an hour after the initial tissue extraction. This is a far cry from the previous, muti-hour long treatments that physicians have grown accustomed to, and the shortened timespan and simplicity of the procedure is something that both doctors and their patients will greatly appreciate.
If you are interested in enrolling in this upcoming event, or to learn more about the different training opportunities available, you can visit us at our training website.
About Global Stem Cells Group
Global Stem Cells Group (GSCG) is a worldwide network that combines seven major medical corporations, each focused on furthering scientific and technological advancements to lead cutting-edge stem cell development, treatments, and training. The united efforts of GSCG’s affiliate companies provide medical practitioners with a one-stop
hub for stem cell solutions that adhere to the highest medical standards.
- Published in Press Releases
Implications of Exosomes
As the newest field in regenerative medicine, exosome therapy is often the least understood by doctors new to the field. While still not widely used by many doctors, this is simply because it is new. However, many scientists are eager to harness the benefits of this new treatment and apply them to target various conditions that modern medicine has struggled to address.
Extracellular Vesicles and Exosomes
The discovery of extracellular vesicles (EV), small bubbles composed of protein freely among cells, has been considered one of the greatest advancements in the field of medicine. They are broadly defined as entities that exist outside of the cells of the human body and can be quite unique. Among these are exosomes, which have shown almost miraculous promise in treating inflammation, immunomodulation, cell-cell communication, and much more. Although not a cure-all, exosomes are effective in their roles, which include the communication and rejuvenation of all cells in the body, despite not actually being cells themselves.
Exosomes are created by growing a healthy stem cell culture and then disposing of the cells, leaving behind millions of exosomes created in the process. Due to their microscopic size, what is left behind must be ultra-centrifuged to concentrate them enough for patient use. Despite all their abilities, the makeup of exosomes is quite simple, consisting of amino acids and RNA. This means that, aside from their immunomodulatory properties, exosomes can be applied to a patient without causing an immune system reaction, a common concern with other treatments.
An Overview of Exosome Therapy
Generally defined, exosome therapy is the use of exosomes in a clinical setting, a new step forward that is being happily taken by physicians worldwide. Exosome therapy has rapidly become one of the most popular fields of regenerative medicine treatment globally. Painstaking research has highlighted the practical uses of exosomes, and how they can treat conditions including Lyme disease, hair loss, and arthritis. While stem cells are responsible for the rejuvenation of older cells, they might not be able to supply the information required for healing to take place—this is where exosomes come in.
Consider exosomes the traffic conductors of regenerative medicine. They stimulate attention to damaged areas and work to control inflammation. Many researchers believe that supporting the function of exosomes in the body could lead to better outcomes for patients. These scientific breakthroughs have fundamentally changed the healing process as we know it.
How Exosome Therapy Works
Exosome therapy is minimally invasive and most commonly used in patients with orthopedic injuries, but it also has great applications in anti-aging medicine and the treatment of inflammatory and degenerative diseases. Exosome treatments generally contain a combination of growth factors, messenger RNA, micro RNA, and cytokines. The resulting exosome treatment is used in conjunction with stem cell therapies to boost the healing process in patients. These exosome therapies can be administered directly into the affected area or through an IV drip for those seeking the anti-aging properties of exosomes.
Exosome injections are administered similarly to other cellular therapies—directly into the part of the body affected by disease. Patient dosing varies based on the condition and treatment plan, allowing physicians to customize them to a patient’s needs.
What Can Exosomes Treat?
As the field of regenerative medicine constantly grows, more treatments are discovered every month. Researchers have found exosomes to be an exciting alternative for a wide variety of illnesses, including arthritis therapy, where they play a significant role in bone and cartilage remodeling. Exosome therapy currently shows promise in treating the following conditions:
Hair Loss
Exosomes can regrow hair due to their growth factor content. When injected, exosomes trigger healing and the natural regeneration of hair follicles.
Lyme Disease
Exosomes may benefit patients suffering from Lyme disease, a complex disease that compromises the immune system. By incorporating exosomes into a treatment plan, patients could break the cycle of inflammatory response.
Arthritis, characterized by joint inflammation due to autoimmune deficiency, can be alleviated with exosome therapy. Although various treatments are available, exosomes show potential in reversing the disease’s progression.
Aging can be thought of as a slow, steady inflammation of the body. Researchers have found a direct correlation between the number and types of exosomes within the body and the effects of aging. Exosome therapy could reduce swelling and treat conditions like crow’s feet, puffy eyes, and other markers of aging.
Pain Management
Many pain symptoms result from inflammation. For severe, chronic conditions that cannot be treated with over-the-counter options, exosome therapy could be key. By targeting the pained area at the source of inflammation, exosome therapy can increase the quality of movement and reduce pain in certain orthopedic conditions, including stress injuries.
As physicians around the world continue to study and apply exosomes, Global Stem Cells Group recognizes the need to get these products into doctors’ hands. Our Cellgenic line has been in operation for years, helping physicians treat these conditions and more with exosome therapy.

- Published in Corporate News / Blog
GCell: The Newest All-In-One Solution in Regenerative Medicine
Are you a physician currently utilizing adipose tissue but growing tired of the time-consuming, arduous procedure? Are you having problems finding reagents that allow you to isolate stem cells? If so, GCell might be the solution for you.
What is GCell?
GCell is a revolutionary new machine poised to become the future of adipose stem cell processing. Its compactness and short processing time make it a valuable implement in any regenerative medicine practitioner’s office. GCell employs a process of mechanical breakdown, which shortens the treatment duration and keeps it within legal minimal-manipulation regulations.
How Does GCell Work?
Through a system of extremely small blades and filters, GCell homogenizes a sample of fat taken from anywhere in the body, turning it into a slurry of growth factors, proteins, and other components. GCell then filters out the stromal vascular fraction cells and uses a process called photoactivation to increase their vitality. The end result is a final product that can be administered to patients within forty minutes from the sample’s harvesting. This is a significant improvement over the previous, multi-hour long treatments that physicians have grown accustomed to, and this shortened timespan is greatly appreciated by both doctors and patients.

Why GCell?
GCell offers a single-session treatment, meaning patients only need to visit their clinic once without requiring follow-up treatments. This machine combines the convenience of its small size and lightweight build with the ability to accelerate the stem cell harvesting process. Additionally, GCell is designed to be an entirely enclosed system, ensuring samples remain in a sterile environment, which preserves the viability of samples and ensures positive outcomes for patients.
GCell: The Newest All-In-One Solution in Regenerative Medicine
GCell combines a grinder, a filter, and a photoactivation device, offering a turnkey solution that can take a physician from harvesting a fat sample to administering an injectable regenerative medicine therapy in less than an hour. GCell is especially useful for clinics just beginning to implement regenerative medicine into their practice, with its all-inclusive approach to stem cell isolation setting it a cut above the rest.

GCell’s Single Session Treatment Protocol
Unlike many other cellular therapies on the market, GCell provides a single-session treatment, eliminating the need for patients to return after their original treatment day. Its portability, small stature, and ability to accelerate the stem cell harvesting process make it ideal for clinics new to regenerative medicine, taking much of the rigor out of adipose-derived stem cell harvesting.
- Published in Corporate News / Blog
Global Stem Cells Group Announces Partnership with Bioscience Cell Factory
Just earlier this week, Global Stem Cells Group has signed a historic agreement with a company known as Bioscience Cell Factory– this Dubai-based healthcare company will allow GSCG to act as their representatives operating in both the Middle East and Latin America. Through the acquisition of proprietary branding rights Global Stem Cells Groups will become committed to promote the widespread use of cellular therapy treatments that utilize Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs).
This partnership is groundbreaking in nature, and promises to lead to a wide proliferation of cellular therapies in both the Middle East and Latin America, two regions that are rapidly developing, with a constantly-advancing standard of medical care. Global Stem Cells Group will be clinically equipped with the highest standards and quality procedures as set forth by the Bioscience Cell Factory, resulting in nothing but the best treatment methods available for patients around the world.
“I’m extremely excited about this partnership,” Said Benito Novas, CEO of the Global Stem Cells Group, “Bioscience Cell Factory is one of the most professional and scientifically-focused teams that I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with– I am looking forward to the start of what will be an extremely beneficial professional relationship that will provide our global reach with the quality of Bioscience’s laboratory,”
Indeed, the two firms are also announcing plans to do research together into the nature of adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells, and the benefits that they hold for the medical field. Through the training of physicians and the handling of cell samples in their laboratory, there are high hopes for the advancement of the field of regenerative medicine research. As one of the representatives of the Bioscience Cell Factory abroad, Global Stem Cells Group will further its goal of being a global leader in the regenerative medicine field.
About Bioscience Cell Factory
Bioscience Clinic is a global healthcare company that is based in Dubai, committed to the running of a laboratory for the banking and use of all sorts of allogeneic and autologous cellular products. Through the proliferation of cellular therapies throughout the world, Bioscience Clinic hopes to advance treatment options for some debilitating diseases that current medical science has been largely unable to target the root causes of.
About Global Stem Cells Group
Global Stem Cells Group (GSCG) is a worldwide network that combines seven major medical corporations, each focused on furthering scientific and technological advancements to lead cutting-edge stem cell development, treatments, and training. The united efforts of GSCG’s affiliate companies provide medical practitioners with a one-stop hub for stem cell solutions that adhere to the highest medical standards.
- Published in Press Releases
Global Stem Cells Group Announces Training in Cochabamba, Bolivia at the End of November
The Global Stem Cells Group, a multi-disciplinary community of scientists and physicians that are collaborating to treat diseases and lessen human suffering through the advancement of the field of regenerative medicine has announced that the construction of their Stem Cell Center in Cochabamba, Bolivia, has concluded. What’s more, the organization has announced that, in celebration of the facility’s completion, the Center’s inaugural training course will take place at the end of November.
The new facility located in Bolivia is the 35th Stem Cell Center in the world, strengthening the Global Stem Cells Group’s presence worldwide as they seek to expand research for and the
practice of regenerative medicine across the globe. Representatives from the Group and local physicians in the area will both see the impact of this new clinic, which will offer a permanent space within the country where experts in the field can train Bolivian physicians in the latest stem cell research.
“I am very excited for the opportunity to train more Bolivian physicians. We’ve been laying the groundwork for this Stem Cell Center for a very long time, and it feels almost like a dream to have to ready to unveil to the world by the end of November,” Said Benito Novas, founder and CEO of the Global Stem Cells Group, “To be able to have a permanent location in Cochabamba, and to have spots quickly filling up for this training– I think it speaks volumes to the future of regenerative medicine being a bright one,”
This inaugural training is intended to not only teach physicians the value of incorporating regenerative medicine into their own clinics, but to ensure that there is a vast store of all the necessary equipment and supplies that are required for the wide array of cellular therapies that are available for patients around the world– including a highly interactive study session that goes over the extraction, isolation, and application of PRP, Adipose, ad Bone Marrow Stem Cells.
The Center will also provide access to several texts detailing procedure processes and treatment options that are available for reference after the training is completed.
If you are interested in learning more about the Global Stem Cell Group’s Onsite Regenerative Medicine Training, or to book your seat, you can visit us at our training website
About Global Stem Cells Group
Global Stem Cells Group (GSCG) is a worldwide network that combines seven major medical corporations, each focused on furthering scientific and technological advancements to lead cutting-edge stem cell development, treatments, and training. The united efforts of GSCG’s affiliate companies provide medical practitioners with a one-stop hub for stem cell solutions that adhere to the highest medical standards.
- Published in Press Releases
Global Stem Cells Group CEO Benito Novas Confirmed Speaker at 1st Ibero-American Fellowship Program in Regenerative and Functional Medicine
The First International Iber-American University Diploma has been announced to focus on laser therapy, hormone therapy, and wellness, and brings with it over a dozen seasoned instructors. The fellowship program, which spans over multiple weeks, covers a variety of topics with the focus of expanding the professional vision of medical professionals, and furthering knowledge of the applications of lasers in gynecology and cosmetic medicine. Additionally, it will update physicians on the newest techniques developed around the world to improve the quality of life of patients. A variety of protocols will be covered, including office, operating room, and hormone-based procedures.
The Fellowship Program has been certified by Atlantic International University, which is a private university based in Honolulu, Hawaii. Those physicians who complete the fellowship will be asked to demonstrate their knowledge through the use of clinical case studies involving real patients. Additionally, AIU offers students the opportunity to supplement this program with resources in various areas of knowledge, at no extra cost.
Benito Novas, CEO of Global Stem Cells Group, had this to say about the conference: “I am extremely proud and excited to be bringing this conference to physicians around the world. The program has been organized and directed by dear friends of mine, who have put in countless hours to ensure over a dozen physicians from a wide variety of specialties– really, nearly every field of medicine will be represented, and the course has been structured to ensure maximum retention for each and every student of ours,”
As a result, Global Stem Cells Group and the International Society for Stem Cells Application have both officially endorsed the course as a way for a physician to increase his knowledge in subjects ranging from cosmetic surgery, to marketing strategies, to hormone therapy, and everything in between. To learn more about the First International Ibero-American University Diploma, you may send an email to
About Global Stem Cells Group
Global Stem Cells Group (GSCG) is a worldwide network that combines seven major medical corporations, each focused on furthering scientific and technological advancements to lead cutting-edge stem cell development, treatments, and training. The united efforts of GSCG’s affiliate companies provide medical practitioners with a one-stop hub for stem cell solutions that adhere to the highest medical standards.
- Published in Press Releases
ISSCA Announces Speaker’s List for 7th Annual Symposium
The International Society for Stem Cells Applications has officially announced and published its list of speakers for its 7th Annual Regenerative Medicine Symposium. The seventh event of its kind, it is another effort from the iSSCA to bring together a network of regenerative medicine practitioners from all over the world. At previous events, hundreds of physicians came to share in their knowledge regarding cellular therapies and the patients whose lives they can change, and the aim of this year is no different– of course, as a reunion of medical professionals, several steps will be taken to ensure proper social distancing measures, as well as frequent opportunities for sanitation.
As with previous editions of the event, the topics discussed and speakers involved have been updated and edited in an effort to reflect the changing of time and the rapid evolution of the field of regenerative medicine. That is why this symposium will focus on Cellular Therapies During and After the Pandemic. Coronavirus has changed life as we know it, but the scientific and medical communities have not stopped researching. In fact, cellular therapies have been an invaluable asset in managing the largest pandemic in modern history, due to their implications in treating respiratory failure and managing some of the complications induced by exposure to COVID-19. This has resulted in accelerated pathways for regulatory approval and increased funding for new regenerative medicine-based clinical trials, which will all be discussed in greater depth at the event.
But the Regenerative Medicine Symposium also provides a valuable networking opportunity for physicians in the Latin American community. “Here, people interested in cellular therapy can find everything they need to get on the right path to helping people with regenerative medicine,” Said Benito Novas, VP of Public Relations, ISSCA, “If you’ve done some research yourself, or really have no idea where to start– this would be the place. We’ve got vendors, instructors, and interview panels with several distinguished researchers,”
The International Society for Stem Cells Applications (ISSCA) is a multidisciplinary community of scientists and physicians, all of whom aspire to treat diseases and lessen human suffering through advances in science, technology, and the practice of regenerative medicine. Incorporated under the Republic of Korea as a non-profit entity, the ISSCA is focused on promoting excellence and standards in the field of regenerative medicine.
ISSCA bridges the gaps between scientists and practitioners in Regenerative Medicine.
Their code of ethics emphasizes principles of morals and ethical conducts.
At ISSCA, their vision is to take a leadership position in promoting excellence and setting standards in the regenerative medicine fields of publication, research, education, training, and certification. ISSCA serves its members through advancements made to the specialty of regenerative medicine. They aim to encourage more physicians to practice regenerative medicine and make it available to benefit patients both nationally and globally.
For more information, please visit us at or send an email to
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Global Stem Cells Group To Start Training Physicians In Lisbon, Portugal as Early as Sep. 2020
The Global Stem Cells Group has at last finalized discussions to open a The Stem Cell Center Network site in Lisbon, portugal. The Stem Cell Center operates an international network of regenerative medicine practitioners that is dedicated to sharing information with the end goal of bringing cutting-edge regenerative medicine-based treatments to patients suffering from debilitating disease.
The new Portuguese Stem Cell Center will be comprised of a highly-accredited, state of the art clinic/laboratory manned by physicians and scientists with combined decades of experience. It will be another strong foothold in Iberia for the global company, and carries with it full license to use the Group’s proprietary treatment methods and branding designs.
This will be the Global Stem Cell Group’s first permanent location in Portugal, rounding out the company’s presence in Western Europe and the Portuguese-speaking market with the new Lisbon-based partnership. The Stem Cell Center Network continues to roll out new membership opportunities, programs, and events, and our membership has grown steadily year after year– To date, we are present in twenty five countries and five continents.
And to commemorate this partnership the Stem Cell Network has plans to open the clinic in September of 2020, and begin training physicians shortly after. “We’ve wanted to expand into Portugal for a very long time,” Said Benito Novas, Founder and CEO, Global Stem Cells Group, “Now that the world is tentatively opening up, it seemed like a good time to resume teaching physicians– after all, with more people getting sick, it is important for their doctors to have all the tools at their fingertips to help,”
Barring any extenuating circumstances, the Stem Cell Center Network remains scheduled to open in the first week of September, with bookings already being accepted for the Network’s inaugural training at this clinic. With limited availability due to current social distancing efforts, spots are filling up quickly, and prospective applicants are encouraged to sign up soon for the hands-on training course.
To Sign Up Today, Visit us At:
About Global Stem Cells Group
Global Stem Cells Group (GSCG) is a worldwide network that combines seven major medical corporations, each focused on furthering scientific and technological advancements to lead cutting-edge stem cell development, treatments, and training. The united efforts of GSCG’s affiliate companies provide medical practitioners with a one-stop hub for stem cell solutions that adhere to the highest medical standards.
- Published in Press Releases
Global Stem Cells Group CEO Benito Novas Confirmed Speaker at 1st Ibero-American Fellowship Program in Regenerative and Functional Medicin
The First International Iber-American University Diploma has been announced to focus on laser therapy, hormone therapy, and wellness, and brings with it over a dozen seasoned instructors. The fellowship program, which spans over multiple weeks, covers a variety of topics with the focus of expanding the professional vision of medical professionals, and furthering knowledge of the applications of lasers in gynecology and cosmetic medicine. Additionally, it will update physicians on the newest techniques developed around the world to improve the quality of life of patients. A variety of protocols will be covered, including office, operating room, and hormone-based procedures.
The Fellowship Program has been certified by Atlantic International University, which is a private university based in Honolulu, Hawaii. Those physicians who complete the fellowship will be asked to demonstrate their knowledge through the use of clinical case studies involving real patients. Additionally, AIU offers students the opportunity to supplement this program with resources in various areas of knowledge, at no extra cost.
Benito Novas, CEO of Global Stem Cells Group, had this to say about the conference: “I am extremely proud and excited to be bringing this conference to physicians around the world. The program has been organized and directed by dear friends of mine, who have put in countless hours to ensure over a dozen physicians from a wide variety of specialties– really, nearly every field of medicine will be represented, and the course has been structured to ensure maximum retention for each and every student of ours,”
As a result, Global Stem Cells Group and the International Society for Stem Cells Application have both officially endorsed the course as a way for a physician to increase his knowledge in subjects ranging from cosmetic surgery, to marketing strategies, to hormone therapy, and everything in between. To learn more about the First International Ibero-American University Diploma, you may send an email to
About Global Stem Cells Group
Global Stem Cells Group (GSCG) is a worldwide network that combines seven major medical corporations, each focused on furthering scientific and technological advancements to lead cutting-edge stem cell development, treatments, and training. The united efforts of GSCG’s affiliate companies provide medical practitioners with a one-stop hub for stem cell solutions that adhere to the highest medical standards.
- Published in Press Releases
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